My Blog List

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First Exam Post: The Earth in Space

 Our Solar System lies where the Milky Way Galaxy's gas and dust is located. We are positioned about 14 light years above "the equatorial symmetry plane". The thickness of the disk is unknown, but, scientist believe that it is about 1,000 light years thick.  It is also unknown what the distance where our solar system is in relationship to our galaxy, they estimate it to be in between 26,000 and 28,000 light years away from the center. The size of the galaxy is still unknown and also, the time it takes our Solar System to orbit the Milky Way. The picture to the right shows the estimated path that our solar system takes around the Milky Way. The Galactic year is what we use to count how long it takes to orbit the galaxy, the Galactic year comes to about 200 to 250 million earth years, scientists don't know how long it actually takes because they do not know the speed at which our solar system travels. (1)

 About 15 billion years ago is what the estimation is of when the Big Bang Theory happened, so, our universe is approximately 15 billion years old. The Big Bang Theory is explained to be a huge explosion that started the expansion of the universe, before this explosion, the universe was extremely compact and the older that the universe becomes, the farther away other galaxies are, because the universe is constantly expanding and has not stopped since the Big Bang explosion, this theory was introduced by Edwin Hubble. The age of the universe was tested by finding out the age of the oldest clusters of stars and estimating the age that they are, the oldest cluster of stars is approximately 15 billion years old. (2)


 At the very beginning, "All the matter and energy which is now present in the universe was squeezed into this singularity of infinitely small volume." The Big Bang released tons of energy and matter. As soon as the Explosion occurred, an extremely large fireball formed, this is called the "primordial fireball", this fireball is  thought to be  as hot as  one million billion billion billion (which is 10 with 32 zeros) degrees Kelvin. (3)



1.) SolarSystem
4.)big bang picture

Monday, February 28, 2011

Climate Blog: Hail

Hail is one form of solid precipitation. It is made of irregular clumps of ice, and are in between .2-5.9 Inches in diameter. Some methods to predict hail storms are weather satellites and radar imagery. The bigger the hail, the more likely it is to be faster when it is coming to the ground. Anything like rain or snow, or anything in the Earths atmosphere that it passes through, can slow hail down. (1)

Hail is more common within Mountain ranges. Some places where Hail is seen the most are, northern India, China, Central Europe, Southern Germany, Western Germany, Northern France, and East France. In North America, hail storms are seen where Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado meet, this place is called "Hail Alley". Hail is less common in the tropics. (1)

Hail can cause tons of damage to anything that it may strike, including Cars, houses, sky lights, windshields, windows, and anything else that is in the way of the hail. (1)

Severe thunderstorms that contain hail can have slightly green color in the cloud. (1)

Hail is a "precipitation in the form of irregular balls of pellets of ice with a diameter of 5mm or more" (3)

Hail causes $1 billion in property damages each year. (4)

Most hail is 2 inches or smaller in diameter, but there are records of hail being much larger, 7 inches in diameter being  the largest, and 1.67 lbs being the heaviest records in history. (4)


2.)hail cover
Publish Post

Thursday, February 24, 2011

ACT post

I got 22/40 questions right.

The skill that would most improve my score is to remember what has been said, or to read the info more than once or twice.


yes and no, because if i did too many questions like that my brain would get tired of it, and i wouldnt want to do any more.

I am behind on my final project.

Sewer treatment blog

When we went to the sewer treatment plant, I learned that they go through the water many times to make sure it is safe. It was also very loud and hard to hear in there, so I didnt get very much information from it. I also learned that they use things differently then what I thought they would, and that it takes so much longer than I thought for water to become pure again.

I think that I will be recycling again.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Lexus PPT