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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bad Astronomy Post

This project sounds really fun because I like to learn about the Scientific Method better, and to learn more about rockets, and how Newtons law of Motion can be used in everyday situations.

Bad Moon Rising: Phases of the Moon
think- I thought that the phases of the Moon had more to do with the Earth.
learn-I learned that the Moon is round, and the angle it makes with the Earth and Sun changes over its orbit.

The Sky At Night:All Stars are White
think- I thought that all stars were white, or whitish in color.
learn- I learned that all stars emit all the colors of the rainbow.

A Step Farther Out: What if the Sun collapses into a black hole?
think- I thought if the Sun were to collapse into a black hole that we would be sucked into the black hole or that the earth would just die because there would be no Sun to give us light.
learn- I learned that if the Sun collapsed into a black hole that we wouldn't feel the difference with our gravity, and that the Sun can never turn into a black hole because it would need to be at least eight times the size or it must be part of a binary system, and it is not.