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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bad Astronomy Post

This project sounds really fun because I like to learn about the Scientific Method better, and to learn more about rockets, and how Newtons law of Motion can be used in everyday situations.

Bad Moon Rising: Phases of the Moon
think- I thought that the phases of the Moon had more to do with the Earth.
learn-I learned that the Moon is round, and the angle it makes with the Earth and Sun changes over its orbit.

The Sky At Night:All Stars are White
think- I thought that all stars were white, or whitish in color.
learn- I learned that all stars emit all the colors of the rainbow.

A Step Farther Out: What if the Sun collapses into a black hole?
think- I thought if the Sun were to collapse into a black hole that we would be sucked into the black hole or that the earth would just die because there would be no Sun to give us light.
learn- I learned that if the Sun collapsed into a black hole that we wouldn't feel the difference with our gravity, and that the Sun can never turn into a black hole because it would need to be at least eight times the size or it must be part of a binary system, and it is not.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nasa Posting

a)Visible- M33, Milky way Center, Betelgeuse, 3c273, & Andromeda.
b)Xray- Cygnus X-1, M33,  Milky Way Center, Moon, & Cygnus A.
c)Radio Waves- Cygnus A, Sun, M33, Milky Way Center, & 3C273

Cygnus-X1- 8100 lightyears away from Earth. Going as fast as possible, i traveled to Cygnus-X1. In this Binary System, a stellar mass black hole pulls gas of a star that rotates, the gas forms an accretion disk. The black hole bends the light of nearby stars.

Andromeda- 2.5 million lightyears away from Earth. A supermassive black hole 30 million times heavier than our Sun. Astronomers have calculated the mass by figuring out how fast the stars orbit it.

Up Close and Personal
a)What is a black hole?
A black hole is an object that is so compact that its gravitational force is strong enough to prevent light or anything else from escaping.
b)Do black holes obey the laws of Gravity?
c) How are black holes born?
A black hole is born when an object has come unable to withstand the compressing force of its own gravity.

Monday, November 29, 2010

First Post

I would like to learn more about space, the other planets, and stars. I would also like to learn about how to save energy. It would be cool to learn how to save money for the school, at home, or for other organizations. It would also be cool to learn about recycling and what the best things are to use with recycling. Something that I would like to know more about is the rotation of the earth and how it relates to the rest of the solar system.